Tuesday, October 4, 2011

I Have the Green Thumb

I may not be the most talented or successful gardener in the world, but at least in my household, I'm the one with the green thumb.  If you needed any proof here it is:

My wife received these lovely flowers for a job well done at the office:

Like many bouquets, it came with plant food.  Wanting the blooms to last as long as possible, my wife added the plant food to the water.


Don't those look nice?  Except . . . what is that?  There's something floating in the vase.  Um, yeah . . .  Whatever is floating in the water, and this is just an educated guess, but I think it should probably not be there.

I really wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt here.  Maybe the packet was supposed to dissolve and allow the fertilizer to seep out at a slower pace? 

Unfortunately, I can see from the directions that you are, in fact, supposed to open the packet and poor the fertilizer into the water. 

Oh well, at least she tried. 


  1. In her defense, I have noticed that some florists get that packet hidden in between the stems. Maybe she didn't see it there? ;)

  2. I bet she is not so happy with you right about now! It is kinda funny though.

  3. hahaha, it is funny, but i am sure she didn't see that. I agree with you, You are the plant person in the house! message taken here!

  4. Oh my god, I laughed so hard.

    That's such a Southern "Oh, bless her heart" sort of moment.

  5. Needless to say, I haven't gone out of my way to encourage my wife to read this particular post.

  6. haha - poor thing! Obviously, she's a great worker, though. Congrats to her on getting flowers!

  7. You are right about that, Holley. She's got a great work ethic. She was probably just too tired from a long day's work to realize what she'd done here. But I'm not going to let that keep me from having a little fun.

  8. funny...These are such beautiful arrangements. The colors are so rich...so lovely.

  9. I think the colors are so rich due to the unorthodox fertilization program we've put this arrangement on.

  10. ROFL!! That's funny! She's too cute!

  11. Very funny. I guess it's not just your mother that you hope doesn't read your blog! :-) -Jean

  12. Once she reads this, I'd tread lightly. Very very lightly!! I bet she just dropped it in while trying to tear the plastic and you snapped a picture as she looked around for the scissors. You may have a green thumb but she might have something sharp and pointy!

  13. So who, would you say, has the green fingers of the house.............?

  14. Oh, I haven't laughed this much in a long time...but shhhhh.....we do NOT want your wife to consult the Book of Armaments.

  15. Karen - if she can't figure out the directions on these ingredients, my best bet is that she'll struggle with the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch since, as we both know, the number of the counting shall be three - no more, no less. If she counts to four it won't work and, of course, five is "right out".

    But all the same, I'm going to keep my head down. If I happen to go a couple weeks without updating my blog, I want someone to show this to the police and have them sound out a search and rescue team.
